My love,
Our girls are so very blessed to have you for their daddy. And they know it!
How do you know when to tickle and tease, or when to be quiet and listen? I marvel at it.
Our daughters instinctively turn to you already when they are sad, or confused, or overwhelmed. You are such a safe place for them, and the way that they trust you is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
Thank you for making them try the monkey bars at the park, and catching them when they fall, and making it all so much fun that they keep trying. Thank you for coming home from a long day at work or a long week of travel, and being so excited to play games and hang out with them that they don't even know how tired you are. Thank you for sitting through their dance recitals with every bit as much enthusiasm as you bring to their t-ball games, and for making them feel like the most beautiful princesses who ever took the stage. Thank you for teaching them to vacuum and making it fun by turning it into a cleaning party while I am out. Thank you for making the most delicious Saturday breakfasts in the world, and for not crowing about it when they tell you very emphatically that you make better breakfasts than I do. ;) Thank you for the barbecues, and the bike rides, and the books read before bedtime. Thank you for the love that fills our home.
I love that you love being a daddy. Happy Father's Day!