Have you made a snow angel yet this winter? I have! The girls have been trying to get me to do it since the snow first arrived, and a couple of nights ago I gave in -- that's right, I willingly destroyed my hair in the name of delighting my girls. It was kind of fun, but I forgot how awkward it is trying to stand up after making a snow angel without messing it up! The girls have it easy because I lift them up out of the snow so they don't have to stand up in the middle of their angels. :-)
We have so much going on this December that I don't feel like I can do it much justice in just a blog post here and there...between the three birthdays, our 5th anniversary, Lamont's six concerts with Midnight Cry plus the radio appearance, so many drives to Spokane, sports, music, and bible study activities at church, Christmas prep and celebration with both our families, etc., it has been a wee bit overwhelming. My mum asked me yesterday, "Are you going to sleep sometime soon?"
Yes. I will sleep more -- and also blog more! Soon. In one last important piece of news, I feel I should inform you all that my marriage is in serious trouble. Here is the issue: not only does Lamont eat multiple flavors/colors of jellybeans all at once with not a care to dividing them, but I have learned this month that he doesn't even glance at the design on the chocolate inside the advent calendar before he eats it!! *stunned silence* I know...I know. I understand the stunned horror that has gripped you upon reading that sentence; I have been feeling it all month. Tell me, friends and family, what can I do in this hopeless situation?
Haha! I just adore the last part. ;) I have mutual feelings about people eating multiple jellybeans...so wrong. Especially when they mix 'popcorn','cherry' and 'root beer'. Just weird.